If you reviewed our blog posts, you might ponder how we so rarely talk about our business in the blog. There's a reason for that. First of all, can you think of anything more boring than a corporate blog that only talks about itself? I imagine it would be just as boring as a date where the person across the table only talked about themself. Secondly, we like to talk about things that are important to us and to our community rather than brag about what we do.

Well, today is going to be different! As we approach our 5th anniversary, we're finding that Wisco Home Goods is gathering some momentum and we wanted to share.
We started our little venture in September of 2017. We immediately went to work learning how to make candles and get them on the shelves. It took 15 months for us to sell our first 1,000 candles. By contrast, we will be making over 1,000 candles this month. As a result, we've found a need to upgrade our tools.

This is our first upgrade. Buying this wax melter set us on our way. It holds about 12 pounds of wax and can be used to make a whopping 24 candles without needing to be refilled.
Last September we got frustrated with how slowly we made candles using this wax melter, so we thought we'd be super fancy and upgrade. We purchased a wax melter that held 45 pounds of wax (90 candles). That one, unfortunately, didn't last as long as we had hoped, and so we are already on to our second 45-pound wax melter. I won't bore you with a picture. Yesterday, however, marked a historic day in the history/future of Wisco Home Goods. Our newest wax melter arrived. Meet Gerty (husband included for scale).

As we struggled to use that initial wax melter, I remember dreaming of having this glorious machine. Now she's ours.
Gerty can hold 65 pounds of wax (130 candles). When we combine Gerty with our 45-pound wax melter, we suddenly have the ability to make over 220 candles in a single shift. Previously we'd been limited to about 100. We couldn't be more grateful to all of you, our supporters, for helping us reach this milestone. 5 years ago, we were concerned that our first order for 50 pounds of wax was too much. Thankfully, we've found a wonderful group of supporters and a few stans along the way. Happy anniversary to us and welcome to the family, Gerty!
